Becoming a highly effective leader does not happen by happenstance. Leaders build themselves with purpose, intention and through a lifetime of experiences building wisdom along the way. Bell Leadership’s Great Leaders, Great Results seminar provides you the tools to move up the leadership Mastery Ladder and to improve how you lead your people.
Rooted in 50 years of researching the most effective and least effective leaders throughout the world, this program offers a significant opportunity to enhance your success and contributions by increasing your effectiveness in leading others. During the session, you will receive advanced techniques to understand how you lead, gain understanding of yourself, learn to build your skills to take advantage of your strengths, manage around your weaknesses. At the conclusion of the program, you will leave with world-class leadership strategies to improve your business, yourself and your personal life.
Receive 360-degree feedback from your associates through the Bell Strengths and Weaknesses Survey that provides personal and practical insights for improving your leadership practices. Completed online, the survey results are compiled in a comprehensive, confidential report that only the individual participant will receive.
We recommend that you do this for you and your key executives 6 weeks ahead of time to maximize the value of this experience. EO members will receive this evaluation for free, and key executives’ assessments will be discounted to $150 from $195.
Participate in an interactive session that fosters dialogue among participants - building relationships that go beyond surface-level chit chat.
Engage in a well-paced mixture of activities and breakout conversations with short bursts of presentation, examples and illustrations.
Reflect on your experiences and those of your fellow participants, draw conclusions and begin to make changes that will help you to be happier and more successful, both personally and professionally.
Develop an action plan tailored to your situation using powerful, practical leadership principles.