One of our top-rated speakers from last year is back with one of the only topics that is delivered better virtually than in person! Social media is constantly evolving, and LinkedIn is no exception.
LinkedIn has implemented many changes in the past several months that impact how we succeed on this platform. In this presentation, Colleen will distill the most important 2021 LinkedIn changes into actionable steps you can take during this workshop to improve your online presence.
Colleen will cover how LinkedIn company pages have changed as well as 5 ways to improve your LinkedIn presence for recruiting and business development.
Hiring is a bigger challenge than ever, and finding the right candidates from the beginning will save you time and money in the long run. If you or your team are prospecting through LinkedIn, you won't want to miss this event!
We'll send lunch to the home or office for any EO member or SAP in attendance! Key executives and spouses are welcome to attend virtually as well. Pro tip: Plan to be in front of a laptop or, ideally, two screens since we will make changes to our LinkedIn profile and pages during this workshop.
Who is Colleen McKenna?
Colleen McKenna launched Intero Advisory for individuals and companies focused on increasing their sales and talent initiatives. Since 2011 Intero Advisory, a LinkedIn consulting, coaching and training firm has been engaged by more than 600 companies who have increased their presence, revenue and hiring opportunities applying Colleen’s insight, strategy, and techniques and to tens of thousands of business professionals.
Her membership site, blog and podcast reach a global audience and more than 600 companies have benefited from her expertise.
The Intero team, over an 18 month period sourced more than 80,000 LinkedIn profiles for clients across the country for lead generation and recruiting. On behalf of one client, Intero secured more than 2.3 million in new revenue.
With a personal approach to business, Colleen and Intero shake up the status quo by maximizing an individual’s network, personal brand, and expertise.
Colleen has worked with and for startups to market leaders like Xerox, Consolidated Graphics and Carefirst. She earned her M.A. in publication design from the University of Baltimore and a B.S. in mass communication from Towson University.